Here's a summary of our latest updates.
- Client Search
You can now easily search your clients on your My Clients page and from the Select Client popup. Look forward to additional search features coming later this year. - Agenda View + Client Birthdays
We've added a new view to your calendar to make it easier to view your monthly schedule. Head over to My Schedule > My Calendar and click on the My Agenda tab to see a monthly breakdown of your upcoming sessions and events. Get started
You can now see your clients' birthdays in your calendar - Improved workflow when reviewing journal entries. You'll now be prompted to review entries for previous days if available.
- Added option to increase PDF logo size
- Added age below date of birth on client Basic Information page
- Added additional details to each task on the My Tasks/Goals page
- Increased character limit for task/goal notes to 5,000 characters
- UI/UX updates
- Fixed issue displaying documents shared with a specific client