- Organize Clients using Tags. Tags are a great way to organize clients (e.g. by office location) and keep track of their progress and milestones (e.g "3WeekCheckpoint"). Learn more
- Search Filters. Use custom queries to search for clients based on activity status, birthdays, tags, and more. Learn more
- Pin clients you're actively seeing so they always appear at the top of your searches.
- Added option to display clients by last name.
- Client exports are now organized by folders; session note and protocol associated documents are also included in zip archive.
- Added option to preview Superbill and CMS-1500 PDFs while editing.
- Added option to include Rendering Provider details in CMS-1500 forms.
- Better support for Ireland addresses
- UI/UX improvements
- Better mobile support for images added to the text editor.
- When booking sessions from the My Services page, you will be prompted to select from an existing package if the client has one available.