Subscribers of That Clean Life can integrate and embed nutrition plans and recipes in Practice Better Protocols or Program Modules. Click here to learn more.
This article outlines how to view and manage That Clean Life resources within the Practice Better platform.
- Accessing Resources in the Practitioner Portal
- Accessing Resources in the Client Portal
- Logging That Clean Life Meals in Practice Better Food Journals
For managing and creating resources in That Clean Life, check out their help center here: Help Center | That Clean Life
Accessing Resources in the Practitioner Portal
Viewing in Protocols
When That Clean Life resources are embedded in a Protocol Template, the resource name and embed settings will be visible within the template.
Practitioners can preview the nutrition plan in a client’s Published Protocol.
For further information, see this guide: Sharing Protocols With Clients
Viewing in Programs
When That Clean Life resources are embedded in a Program Module, only the resource name will be displayed.
When previewing the Program Module, practitioners will see a placeholder for the nutrition plan.
The full resource isn't displayed to the practitioner because each registrant of the program will receive their own copy of the embedded resource.
- With Allow edits enabled, each client in the program can customize their own version of a meal plan.
- With Allow exports enabled, each client in the program can download a PDF of the meal plan or recipes.
- Learn more about Adding Resources to a Program Module.
To get a full preview, practitioners can add themselves as test client and enroll in the Program. The full nutrition plan is accessible in the client portal.
Accessing Resources in the Client Portal
Clients can view That Clean Life nutrition plans shared by their practitioner within Protocols or Programs.
For guidance on interacting with the resources, we recommend the following videos:
- How to Use Your Meal Planning Guide - That Clean Life YouTube: This video covers the steps for meal planning using a blank planner and a collection of recipes.
- How to Use Your Recipe Collection - That Clean Life YouTube: This video demonstrates how to use a collection of recipes effectively.
- How to Use Your Meal Plan - That Clean Life YouTube: This video guides users through the steps to use a pre-made meal plan.
Interacting with a Protocol
When the practitioner enables Allow Edits in the meal plan, the client can freely modify their personal meal plan as needed. These changes will only be reflected in Practice Better and won't sync back to the original resource in the practitioner's That Clean Life account.
When the practitioner has enabled Allow Exports for the meal plan, the client can export the plan and/or individual recipes as a PDF.
Interacting with a Program
When Allow Edits is enabled for the meal plan, each client can update their personal meal plan independently. Each client receives a unique copy of the meal plan, ensuring that changes made by one client do not affect another's plan.
If Allow Exports is enabled for the meal plan, clients can export their plan and/or individual recipes as a PDF.
Get the “Stress Less for a Healthier You” program in our Practice Better Community Resource Library!