Set up grand totals and averages (“aggregates”) based on numeric questions in your forms. You will need at least one Grid, Numeric, or Scale question in your form before you can set up a total/average.
Grid question
In order to create an aggregate for a Grid question, create a Grid/List and enable the setting to Add a total/average value input box? and make sure that the field for Auto-calculate total/average has been set to Sum, Average (ignore zeros), or Average (including zeros).
An example of how a Grid may look:
The aggregate will utilize information that populates the Total box of your Grid.
Numeric question
An example of a Numeric question will look as follows:
The aggregate will utilize the numeric answer your clients provide.
Scale question
An example of a Scale question will look as follows:
The aggregate will utilize the numeric answer your client chooses.
Once you have created your numeric questions, you can then set up your aggregates.
Setting Up Aggregates
1) Select a form from your My Practice > Forms & Waivers page.
2) Click on the Totals & Averages tab, then click Add aggregate from the middle of the screen or select Add grand total or average from the Fast Action Button in the bottom-right corner.
3) Add a label and an optional description for your aggregate. The Description field is not displayed to clients, but will be used if you import the aggregate value into your client's file (e.g. to the Medical History section or directly into a session note):
4) Choose whether to make the aggregate visible to clients when they are completing your form.
5) Choose a calculation type for your aggregate. Possible choices are Sum, Average (ignore zeros), Average (include zeros), Minimum, and Maximum.
6) Select the questions you'd like to include in your aggregate calculation. Click the Settings button in the bottom-left corner to select/deselect all questions:
7) Click Save to save your aggregate.
Adjusting Question Weights
By default, each question has a weight of 1. You can adjust the weight of specific questions if your aggregate must support advanced calculations. Select Edit weights from the Settings button in the bottom-left corner.
Each question weight can be a non-zero numeric value. You can use weights in cases where specific questions hold more value than others in your calculation or you need to subtract the score for a set of questions from another set (i.e. questions in Set A will have a weight of 1 whereas questions in Set B will have a weight of -1).
Viewing Aggregates on a Form
Aggregates will be displayed at the bottom of your client's form or on the last page if you've split your form into multiple pages:
Importing Aggregates into the Client File using a Form Mapping
Form Mappings allow you to import your clients' form answers into their Client File. You can also import aggregates by selecting them from the Source field of the Mapping popup:
Aggregates can also be imported directly into session notes if needed.