Practice Better’s Aggregates feature allows you to see totals on forms and view how a client's score changes over time using the form response summary report.
Viewing form totals
There are two ways to view the Total score from a form.
- Navigate to the Forms & Waivers section of your client's record and click on the form's name. Then, scroll to the end of the form to view the grand total.
- Alternatively, when viewing the list of completed forms within the client’s Forms & Waivers section, click Download as next to their forms, then click PDF with notes.
This will open the form in a new tab that lists the grand total at the bottom of the form.
Comparing form totals
You also have the option to generate a report to analyze how a client’s form answers have changed over time if the client completed the form multiple times. This allows you to view trends in an individual client's responses.
To generate this report, go to the Forms & Waivers section of your client's record, click the 3 dots (more options) next to a completed form, and click Compare form.
Within the report, responses to specific question types will include an accompanying chart.
Clicking on a specific section of the chart will allow you to view individual client responses.
You can also click on the expand/collapse button in the top-right corner of each question or the report itself to view and filter responses.
To view the aggregates for all the form responses, click on the Aggregates tab. There you will see the grand totals and when each form was completed.
To learn more about the form response summary report and generating the individual response summary report, click here.
You can also check our guides on how to add form templates to your account by clicking here.
For more information on editing the form templates, click here.
Check out our video below on adding our new mental health forms to your account and viewing your completed form data over time.