Creating Folders
You can easily create folders to organize content in the My Uploads section of your Documents page.
1) Go to My Practice > Documents
2) Click the New folder button in the top-right corner:
3) Name your folder then click Create
Folders can be created within other folders if you need an additional layer of organization.
Moving a single file into a folder
To move a file into a folder, press and hold the file, then drag it over the destination folder. The folder will be highlighted in a darker shade of gray when the file is dragged on top of it:
From the popup, click Move to confirm:
Moving multiple files into a folder
1) Click the Select multiple button in the top-right corner:
2) Check the files you want to move:
3) Click the Move files button in the top-right corner:
4) Select the destination folder by clicking it in the popup:
5) Click Select folder once you've selected the destination folder: