You can easily upload, organize and share common handouts and resources with clients from your Documents section. Documents can be shared either with specific clients or with all clients who have access to the Client Portal.
Uploading and Organizing your Handouts
1) Go to your My Practice > Documents page
2) Click the New Folder button in the top-left corner:
3) Let's name your folder Client Handouts. Enter the folder name in the popup and then click Create.
Within the Client Handouts folder, you can also create additional sub-folders if you need to further organize your documents (e.g. create a new folder for Meal Plans). Learn more about creating folders and organizing files in your Documents section.
4) Double-click the new folder in your documents list:
5) Click the Fast Action Button in the bottom-right corner, and then select Upload to Client Handouts from the options provided:
6) Select your documents from your hard drive and then click Upload in the top-right corner. You can upload up to 10 files at once. After uploading your documents, you will see them listed in your Client Handouts folder:
Sharing Handouts with Clients
You can share handouts with all clients, specific clients and unshare or share with additional clients at any point in the future.
1) Click the Select multiple button in the top-left corner:
2) Select the documents you'd like to share by clicking the checkbox beside the file names:
3) Click the Manage Sharing Settings button in the top-right corner:
Sharing Documents with Specific Clients
Select Share files with a specific client(s) from the Share with... dropdown menu:
Click Update to share the documents. Your clients will each receive a notification that new files have been shared with them and are available in the Client Portal.
Unsharing Documents
To unshare documents, open the Manage Sharing Settings popup and uncheck the clients you wish to unshare and then click Update.
Sharing with more Clients
To share the selected documents with more clients, select the files using the Select multiple button, then click Share with more clients in the top-right corner:
Sharing Documents with all clients
You can optionally share handouts with all clients who have access to the Client Portal by selecting Share files with all clients from the File Sharing Settings popup: