This article will provide instructions on how you can set up yourself as a test client to view what your clients see when they access the Client Portal. Using a test client is a great option if you want to test functionality before adding real clients to the system (e.g. testing your program before launching it publicly).
To continue, you will need access to a secondary email address, i.e. if you've registered your practitioner account using your business email (e.g. you can use your personal email (e.g. to add your test client. You won't be able to use your primary email address for both practitioner and test client accounts.
Creating the Test Client Record
1) Go to your My Clients page
2) Select Add client from the Fast Action Button in the bottom-right corner of your screen:
3) Enter your test client details on the following page:
4) Ensure you've selected the Create profile and invite client to join Practice Better option:
With this option selected, we'll send you an email invitation to activate your client account.
Click the Add button in the top-right corner to create your test client and send the invitation email:
5) Open your email app (for the secondary email address) and look for an email titled "Join <My Name> on Practice Better" from
Tip: You can customize the subject and content of this email on our paid plans. Learn more
6) Open the invitation email then click the Activate My Account button:
7) Set up a password, read and accept the terms to complete your test client sign up:
8) You've now set up your test client!
Viewing your Practitioner Portal and Client Portal Simultaneously
You'll want to test sharing forms, protocols, notes and other resources with your test client. We recommend testing the Client Portal in a private browser window or in another browser entirely (e.g. if you're using Chrome as a practitioner, you can use Firefox to view the Client Portal).
You won't be able to view both your practitioner portal and the Client Portal in the same browser window, even if you're using separate tabs.
Opening a Private Browser using Chrome
Opening a Private Browser using Firefox
Opening a Private Browser using Safari