Tags are an effective way to organize clients (e.g., by office location) and track their progress and milestones (e.g., "3WeekCheckpoint"). Tags can be used wherever you can select multiple clients, such as when registering clients for a program, selecting Broadcast recipients, or adjusting your chat messaging settings.
This guide will walk you through creating, applying, and automating tags based on bookings, program enrollments, and completed forms.
Creating Tags
To create a tag:
- Go to your My Clients page
- Click the Create new tag button in the left navigation bar or from the Fast Action Button in the bottom-right corner:
- Enter a name and select a color for the tag. Click Create to save your new tag.
Note: Tag names are case-insensitive, and duplicates can't be created. Also, keywords such as "AND/ OR" should not be used.
Updating & Deleting Tags
- To Update a Tag: Click the three dots next to the tag name and select Edit tag. You can adjust the tag name or select a different color.
To Delete a Tag: Select Delete tag from the same menu. This action can't be undone. Deleted tags are removed from clients.
Applying Tags to Clients
To apply a tag to a single client:
Drag and Drop the tag from the left navigation bar to the Tags section of your client’s entry.
Applying Tags to Multiple Clients
To apply tags to multiple clients at once:
- Click the Select Multiple button in the top-right corner of the My Clients page.
- Check the boxes next to clients you want to update
- Click the Add or remove tags button in the top right corner.
- Choose an action Add, Remove, Remove All, or Replace tags.
Enter the tags you'd like to adjust and click Submit.
Pinning Tags
You can pin frequently used tags to make them easily accessible:
Drag and Drop the Tag from the left navigation bar to the top of your My Clients page to pin it.
- Or click the 3 dots for more options next to the tag name and select Pin tag.
- To unpin a tag, click the three dots next to the tag and select Unpin tag.
Automating Tags
You can automate the tagging process so that clients are automatically categorized when specific events occur in your portal. Here’s how:
- Go to My Practice > Automations.
- Click the Fast Action Button in the bottom-right corner and select Add, update or remove client tags.
- Configure the Automation. You can add, update, or remove tags based on specific triggers:
- A session is booked for a client (either manually or by automation)
- A package is created for a client (either manually or by automation)
- A client enrolls in a program
- A client completes all modules in a program
- A client completes a form
- Click the Add Action button in the Automation to select Add, Remove, Remove All, or Replace tags. Enter the tags you'd like to adjust and click Done.
- Click Create to save your Automation.
Note: You can also configure tags while setting up booking confirmations, package confirmations, and auto-add client automations. Learn more on the Automations page.
Automations for Specific Team Members (Team Plan Only)
On the team plan, you can trigger tag automations for specific team members by enabling Trigger this automation for specific team members and selecting team members from the pick list.