This article explains how you can transfer existing Practice Better users into your team account.
- Create a Practitioner Role
- Send an Invitation to your team member
- Accepting the Invitation
- Completing the Transfer
- Merging Transferred Clients
Creating a Practitioner Role
You'll first need to create a practitioner role before you can invite your team member(s).
1) Navigate to your Settings & Preferences > My Team page then click Add role. Select Practitioner Role from the options provided.
2) Select the permissions you'd like to assign to this user and save the new role. View our help article to learn more about managing roles and permissions.
Sending an Invitation to your Team Member
Once you've created a practitioner role, click Invite people in the Team Members section at the top of your My Team page. In the invitation popup, select Practitioner as the user type and provide their name and email address.
The email address provided must match the email of your team member's existing Practice Better account.
Click Next to continue.
Customize the role for this team member then click Send invite. View our help article on customizing roles and permissions for individual team members.
Your team member will receive an invitation email with a link to activate their account.
Accepting the Invitation
On the account activation page, click the Join <Team Name> link in the bottom-left corner:
Enter your account credentials to sign in:
Transfer Prerequisites
In order to transfer your account, you will first need to remove:
- Any active add-ons (e.g. Additional Storage)
- Any admin users
- Existing fax number (get in touch for assistance with transferring your fax number to the team owner's account before/after the transfer is completed)
Read and accept the notices on the Transfer My Account page, then click Confirm transfer.
You will receive an email confirming your account transfer is in progress. Your account will be temporarily deactivated until your team owner completes the transfer in their portal.
You can cancel the transfer at any time before it is completed by clicking the Cancel transfer button in the confirmation email.
Transferred data and resources
All client data and resources you have created will be transferred to the team account. This includes things such as:
- Client data (eg. client's demographic information, forms, notes, documents, journal entries)
- Services
- Packages
- Programs
- Invoices and Payment Plans
- Forms
- Note Templates
- Protocol Templates
- Tasks
- Availability
- Custom Bookings Pages
For more information, please contact our support team.
Completing the Transfer
As the team owner, you can complete the transfer by going to your My Team page. Click Complete transfer next to the team member's name in the Pending Invitations section:
In the Account Transfer popup, enter an optional tag to associate with the clients being transferred to the team account. This can be a new tag or an existing tag you've set up as part of the team member's role.
Transferring Office Locations
You can also choose to transfer office locations into the team's My Locations page.
We recommend keeping this setting enabled if your team member has set up availability tied to specific office locations in their account. If their locations are duplicates of yours, complete the following steps to adjust their availability to use your existing locations:
- Once the transfer is completed, go to the My Schedule > My Availability page.
- Select the team member from the picklist to view/modify their availability
- For each availability slot, adjust any in-person office location restrictions to use your existing locations.
- Delete the merged locations from your My Schedule > My Locations page.
Click Complete transfer to finish. Your team member's account will be automatically reactivated once the transfer is completed.
Merging Transferred Clients
Each client in your account must have a unique email address (unless they are part of a family record). Clients from your team member's account who have the same email addresses as your existing clients are not automatically merged during the transfer. However, you will have the opportunity to merge these clients once the transfer is completed.
Click Fix duplicates in the account transfer confirmation popup:
If you choose "Not now", you can merge clients at any time by going to your My Clients page. In the More Options menu to the right of the search bar, select Account Transfer Conflicts to fix any duplicates created during the transfer.
Duplicated accounts will be displayed with a warning icon in your client list. You will also notice their email addresses contain a suffix (e.g. __transfer1234) to differentiate them from the existing clients in your team account.
Fixing Duplicates
Duplicate clients will be listed on the Account Transfer Conflicts page. You will see a picklist next to each conflict allowing you to select the existing client to merge the duplicate into.
Select the existing client from the picklist then click Merge. Confirm the settings in the popup then click Merge again. Repeat these steps for each duplicate client on this page.
If you'd like to keep a duplicate as a separate client, select Ignore conflict from the More options menu next to the duplicate. You can adjust the client's email address at any time by going to the Basic Information page in their client file.