If you are missing the Start Session button on your Telehealth Call here are the steps to help with troubleshooting.
The Start Session button is only visible if your session is set to be conducted as an Online/Video session and the Telehealth application is set to Use Practice Better.
If you are using the Zoom integration the button will say Start Zoom Meeting instead.
Ensure Default Video Application For Service is Practice Better
You can verify this by going to My Practice > My Services, Click Edit next to your service and scroll down to Booking Options. Make sure you enable the following:
By enabling the above, your future Telehealth sessions will use Practice Better.
Ensure Scheduled Session Is Set To Be Conducted Via Telehealth
Go to My Schedule > My Bookings. Click on your session and select Edit. Ensure you have enabled the following:
Once you have changed your settings, select Update. This will generate a Start Session button.