Note Templates & Protocol Templates
Task Templates
This section will walk you through different features such as creating chart notes from templates, and different resources you can create and share with clients to keep them engaged and accountable.
Note Templates
Note Templates allow you to quickly create session notes and charts that you frequently use with clients during sessions. You can make Note Templates from scratch or add pre-built Practice Better templates.
Protocol Templates
Protocols are a group of recommendations for a client to achieve a certain goal. Protocol templates are a combination of food, supplement, and lifestyle recommendations frequently used on your clients. Protocol templates can be created by going to My Practice > Protocol Templates, click Fast Action Button, and clicking Create New.
There are two types of journals you can provide your client with access to, which are the Food + Mood Journal and Lifestyle Journal. This allows your clients to track important aspects of their health and wellness on a daily basis and allows you to review the entries to ensure they are on track. You can also comment on the journals, which is a great way to provide additional accountability and to coach clients.
Practice Better gives you great options to keep track of to-do items for your clients so you can make sure they provide you with the information you need to help them stay on track. Practice Better allows you to track completed tasks and allows clients to add comments and attach documents when completing them.
Practice also allows you to set up task templates, set up recurring tasks and automate task creation.
Lifestyle Recommendations
Lifestyle recommendations are general lifestyle habits your client should be keeping up and are not necessarily tied to any specific plan or Protocol.
If your client has access to the Client Portal, they will see their lifestyle recommendations appear at the top right, reminding them to stay on track.