There may be occasions when the actual duration of time spent with your client for their session differs from the scheduled or anticipated duration.
The duration of a session is available for the following:
- Telehealth sessions
- Zoom sessions
- In-person/Phone sessions
- Superbills and CMS-1500 Forms
- Session History Report
Telehealth sessions
The duration for Practice Better Telehealth sessions are tracked automatically based on when you start and end the session.
To begin tracking, you will need to click the Start Session button at the top right-hand corner of your telehealth window:
Once your session is over, click the End session button to end tracking:
Zoom sessions
The duration for Zoom sessions are auto-calculated according to when you join and end the meeting room.
To begin tracking the duration of your Zoom session, click on the Zoom Meeting link or the Start Zoom meeting button in your portal.
Once the session is over, click the End button > End meeting for all to stop tracking.
In-person / Phone sessions
Session durations for in-person or phone sessions will need to be manually recorded.
Navigate to the Session Details page and click the pencil icon in the Actual duration section:
Once you have logged the duration in minutes, click Update to see this reflected for your client’s session.
Superbills and CMS forms
When you create a superbill or CMS form for a session that has a duration, you will see this reflected in the Services & Procedures section:
Session History Report
When downloading an export of your Session History report, you will be given the Duration of the session, the Actual Duration recorded, and whether or not the Actual Duration was set manually.
To download the report, navigate to My Practice > Reports and select Session History.
Click the Download button in the top-right corner of your screen to download the CSV/Excel file: