At this time, we only have official support for English on our platform.
For non-English speaking users, you can customize your offerings, bookings pages, and notification templates in your language of choice.
Customizing your services, packages, and programs
You have full control over the titles and descriptions of your services, packages and programs.
You can customize these by creating or editing your offerings in My Practice > My Services or My Practice > My Programs:
Customizing your Bookings Page
Once you have created your offerings, you can create a Custom Bookings Page and adjust the Page title and Welcome message that your clients see:
For more information on creating custom bookings pages, click here.
Customizing your Notification Templates
You can also customize email subject, title, and message in most of the automated emails sent to clients from our system, as well as SMS notifications. Though some areas of these notifications will still contain English.
For more information on customizing your notification templates, click here.