This article will walk you through different ways of managing your program participants. Specifically, you will learn how to:
- Manually Register Clients into Your Program
- Track Client Progress
- Unlock Content for a Client
- Archive and Unregister Clients
- Applying Tags to Multiple Clients at Once
Manually Registering Clients into Your Program
Clients can be enrolled in your program in one of 3 ways:
- By registering for your program via your Bookings Page
- By purchasing a package with a program (clients are automatically enrolled once the package is confirmed)
- By you manually adding them to the program from the Manage Program screen
There will be scenarios when you want to manually add a client to your program. You can do this by following the steps below:
- Navigate to your program by going to My Practice > My Programs, and click Manage next to your program
- Click the Fast Action Button and click Register clients
- From there, select all clients you’d like to enroll (clients who are currently enrolled will already be selected).
- Click Register in the top-right corner to save your changes.
Tracking Client Progress
View your client's progress by navigating to the Enrollments section from the menu on the left-hand side.
- Scroll to the desired client and click on the View Progress option next to their name.
- If you'd like to view the resources your client has completed, click on the View option next to each completed resource.
- Optionally, you can use the Search option by entering and selecting your client's name to view their Progress & Activity page.
Unlocking Content For Clients
Content is automatically unlocked for a client once a module is released but you also have the option to release modules early for specific clients.
When modules are manually or automatically unlocked, they may take a few minutes to appear unlocked in the client portal.
Unlocking all modules
- Navigate to your program's Enrollments section.
- Locate your client, click on the More Options button and click Unlock all modules
Unlocking specific modules
- Navigate to your program's Enrollments section.
- Click View progress next to your client's name.
- On your client's Progress & Activity page, click Unlock next to a locked module:
Archiving and Unregistering Clients
Enrolled clients will still have access to your program materials after the program has ended. You can archive or unregister a client if you want to cease their access to your program content.
First, let's distinguish between Archiving and Unregistering a client.
- When you archive a client, your client will lose access to your program modules, group chat, and upcoming group sessions. However, any forms, tasks, or protocols that were shared with them via your program will still be available in their record. As well, your client's name will remain in your Enrollments list so that you can keep track of your program's current and historical enrollments.
- When you unregister a client they will lose access to your program and its related resources. You will have the option to permanently delete forms, tasks, and protocols that were shared with them via your program. Your client will also be permanently removed from your enrollments list.
Manually Archiving and Unregistering Clients
- Navigate to your program's Enrollments page.
- Locate your client in your enrollments list and Click the More Options button (3 dots) next to your client's name, then select either Archive or Unregister from the options provided.
Automate Archiving and Unregistering Clients
You can also archive and unregister your clients from your program by an Automation.
This Automation is useful if you would like to prevent your clients from accessing your program materials after they have completed your program.
- Navigate to My Practice > Automations and click on the red Fast Action Button.
- From the list of automations, click on Archive or unregister program enrollments.
- Enter an automation name, select your program(s), choose whether you'd like to archive or unregister clients, and set the time period.
Here's an example of an automation that will automatically archive clients 1 week after they have completed their program.
Archiving Multiple Clients at Once
You are also able to archive multiple clients simultaneously on the Enrollments page.
Simply navigate to the Enrollments page and click on the Select multiple option, selecting your clients before clicking on the Archive button.
Applying Tags to Multiple Clients at Once
Update your client tags in bulk on the Enrollments page by selecting the Select multiple option, selecting your clients, and clicking on the Update tags option.
From there, select the action you would like to take and search and apply the desired tag(s) before clicking on Submit to save your changes.