Practice Better’s Programs features allow you to share your knowledge and expertise with more clients at once! These features make delivering content and coaching clients all available from the same secure platform you trust.
- Benefits of Practice Better Programs
- Fixed-Date vs Evergreen Programs vs Self-Paced
- Fixed-Date Programs
- Evergreen Programs
- Email-Only Programs
- Self-Paced Programs
Benefits of Practice Better Programs
Why are Practice Better programs features the best option for your Health & Wellness Practice?
Not only was it built right into your EMR, but it was also designed to work specifically for Practitioners like you. From Practice Better, you can:
- Follow your clients’ progress
- Assign module-specific tasks which are stored as part of your clients’ health records.
- Tasks & Goals
- Forms & Worksheets
- Quizzes
- Provide additional supporting resources such as
- Food + Mood Journal
- Lifestyle Journals
- Messenger
- Protocols
- Upsell services and add-ons
- Include sessions as part of your package
- Access everything from the same place--one website and one password for both you and your clients to manage.
Fixed-Date vs Evergreen Programs vs Self-Paced
Fixed-date programs run from a set start date and finish on a set end date. Modules are unlocked and accessible to clients based on calendar dates.
Evergreen programs are available at any time. A client/participant can purchase an Evergreen program and run through it on their own. Modules are unlocked and accessible to clients/participants based on durations after enrollment (ie. 1 week after client enrolls).
Self-paced programs are designed for clients to complete at their own pace. Modules within a Self-paced program unlock based on the designated completion of previous modules within the program.
Fixed-Date Programs
A Fixed-date Program means that your program has a fixed start date and a fixed end date. Everyone enrolled in your program will start the program at the same time and receive their modules at the same time.
To set up your first Fixed Date Program go to My Programs > Fast Action button and click Fixed-date Programs.
Setting up your program details:
- Choose an image for your program banner.
- Name your program and describe it to potential participants.
- Select your fixed start and end dates.
- Set up associated payment options.
Evergreen Programs
Setting up Evergreen Programs is done just the same as setting up a Fixed-date Program. The main difference when setting up an Evergreen Program is that you will set modules to be unlocked based on how much time has elapsed since the client enrolled in the program.
Email-Only Programs
Setting up an Email-only Program can be created by utilizing either a Fixed-date Program or Evergreen Program and adding email-only modules that can be set up to be sent on a desired schedule. The benefit of an Email-only Program is that clients don't need access to Practice Better in order to receive the content which makes them strong lead magnets to gather new clients.
Learn more about running Email-only programs here!
Self-Paced Programs
Setting up Self-paced Programs is done in the same way as setting up a Fixed-date or Evergreen Program. The main difference when setting up a Self-paced program is that you will set modules to be unlocked based on the client's completion of one or more previous modules. This allows clients to progress through a program at their own pace instead of modules unlocking automatically based on a predefined schedule.
When creating a Self-paced program, it is important to note that you must set at least one module to be accessible at any time. This module will be unlocked for your clients at the time of enrollment and will be the starting point of your program and module completion sequence.
Modules in a Self-paced program are unlocked by clients when a previous module has been completed. When you build your modules, you will need to create rules for each module, to create a sequence of modules based on the completion of a previous one.
The Unlock after completing...* dropdown contains a list of all your existing modules. You can select one or more of your modules in this dropdown to be required.
The Unlock when...* dropdown will give you the option to require at least one or all of the selected modules to be completed before unlocking the current module.
To view the completion flow of your modules, click on the View completion flow icon at the top of your Modules page:
This feature allows you to see the flow of your modules and their individual dependencies. You can also click on any module for more details.