This option will allow you to store your client's credit card information on file in the event you require it for future payments (e.g. processing a cancellation fee). By default, we don't store clients' billing information when booking one-off sessions/packages and programs, so this option gives you a way to do just that.
You can use this option with or without requiring clients to pay at the time of booking. Here are a few scenarios to illustrate the difference:
Pay at time of booking: A payment will be processed, but no card stored on file
Pay at time of booking + Require billing information: A payment will be processed right away and the card will be stored on file
Display fee (no payment required) + Require billing information: The card will be stored on file without processing a payment.
- Go to My Practice > My Services
- Click Edit on the service or package you wish to collect billing information for
- On the Edit Service or Edit Package page, click on the Advanced Options tab:
- Check the "Require billing information when clients book this service/package" checkbox:
- Click Save Changes to save details for the service or package
What your clients see on your Bookings Page
With this option selected, your clients will see a message on the booking page telling them that their billing information will be saved.
If your client's billing information has previously been saved, and they book a session from the client portal, they won't need to enter their billing information again.