This guide applies to Google Chrome only. Although you can also share your screen in Firefox, Chrome provides more flexibility when toggling between tabs and applications during your video chat session.
Screen Sharing in Google Chrome
When starting a screen share, you will be prompted to select which content you'd like to share, whether it be the entire browser window, a specific tab within Google Chrome, or your entire screen.
If your handout can be opened within Chrome, We recommend opening the handout in a new tab, then share the specific Chrome Tab with your client.
If you'll need to open Adobe Acrobat (e.g. for PDF handouts), you can optionally share the Acrobat Reader Application Window.
If you don't see your application available in the Application Window tab, it may be minimized. Ensure the application is maximized (or visible in the background) to make it available for screen sharing.
Example flow
1) Open your handout in a new Chrome browser tab [Tab 1]
2) Open Practice Better in another tab [Tab 2] and launch the video chat session (this will open a new popup window)
3) From the popup window, start the session, then click the Share Screen button
4) Select Chrome Tab > then select the tab with the handout [Tab 1]
5) Open the original PB screen where you launched the video chat [Tab 2]. You can navigate to a new or existing session note.
In this way, you can keep working on your notes privately and still share your handout simultaneously. You can periodically switch over to the handout tab [Tab 1] if you need to scroll through the handout or highlight information as you discuss with your client.
Screen Sharing on macOS Catalina
Due to increased security and permissions with macOS 10.14 Mojave and 10.15 Catalina, you may need to adjust your Security & Privacy settings to enable screen sharing of your desktop and other applications on your computer. Learn more