You can require clients to complete forms when requesting sessions, packages and registering for programs. This applies to forms created using our Form Builder which do not require your (practitioner) signature to be completed.
You can require up to 3 forms to be completed as part of the booking process. We recommend using short intake forms or long forms with pages to streamline the booking process for your clients.
Require a form to be completed when requesting a session
1) Go to My Practice > My Services. Click Edit next to a service.
- To require forms to be completed when requesting a package, go to My Practice > My Services.
Click Edit next to a package. - To require forms to be completed when registering for a program, go to My Practice > My Programs.
Click Edit next to a program.
2) Click the Advanced Options tab
3) Click Add form in the Bookings Page Forms section, then select the form you'd like to include as part of the booking process:
4) Click Save Changes to save your service.
From your Bookings Page, clients will be prompted to complete your form(s) after entering their personal/contact information.
If you've included a Personal Information question in your form, we will prepopulate this question with the information provided by your client on the previous step.
Viewing Completed Forms
If you've set up an automation to auto-add new clients or auto-confirm new bookings, their forms will be available in the Forms & Waivers section of their Client File.
If you are manually confirming bookings, you can access their completed forms by going to My Schedule > My Bookings section. Click the Review button next to the pending booking request.
On the booking review page, click the View form button to preview the completed form, add notes or download it as a PDF: