There may be occasions where we are unable to connect to your Zoom account to create/update meetings on your behalf. Whenever this occurs, we will send you a notification (via email and your portal) alerting you to reconnect your Zoom account.
Reconnecting your Zoom Account
Follow the steps below to reconnect your Zoom account to Practice Better:
1) Go to your Settings > 3rd Party Integration page, then navigate to the Communications section.
2) Click Unlink next to the Zoom integration:
3) Next, click Link to re-link your Zoom account. Once this is done, we will be able to generate Zoom meetings for newly booked appointments.
Creating Zoom Links for Previously Booked Appointments
For appointments which are missing Zoom links because of this issue, you can simply click Reschedule next to the booking on your My Schedule > My Bookings page:
Clicking Update in the popup (without making any additional changes) will create a Zoom link if none currently exists.