You can effectively analyze and compare your client's measurements in the Measurements & Vitals > Body & Vitals section by using the Analysis tab. This feature allows you to gain insights into various health metrics.
To learn how to enter data in a client's Measurements & Vitals see here for practitioners, Populating Measurements from the Lifestyle Journal, and here for clients, Using the Lifestyle Journal to log Measurements & Vitals.
Accessing the Analysis Page
- Open a client record.
- Go to their Measurements & Vitals section.
- Click on Analysis near the top-left of your page.
On the Analysis page, you can choose from a list of predefined reports, including:
- Body Fat & BMI
- Blood Pressure
- Chest, Waist & Hips
- Height & Weight
- Weight & Body Fat
Custom Measurement Comparisons
You can also create custom comparisons by selecting up to four measurements. To do this:
Click the picklist next to the main report measurement.
- Choose the additional measurements you want to include in your comparison.
Connecting Missing Data Points (Interpolation)
By default, any days with missing data are ignored when plotting points on the measurements chart.
However, you can connect points between missing days for a more continuous view:
- Click the More Options Menu (three dots) to the right of the chart.
- Select Connect missing data points from the menu provided.