Snippets are a great way to quickly include frequently used blocks of content when creating notes, recommendations and sending messages to clients. Snippets can be used when creating:
- Session notes
- Protocol notes
- Chat messages
- Invoice line items
- Food, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations
- Appointment notes
- Package notes
Creating a snippet
1) Go to Settings & Preferences > Shortcuts & Snippets
2) Click the Add Snippet button
3) Add a name / short description of your snippet (e.g. Importance of Hydration)
4) Select an optional category for your snippet
5) Select your snippet formatting option, either plain or rich text
6) Add your snippet content
7) Click Save to save your snippet
Snippet Categories
Use categories to limit which snippets are displayed when creating content in various sections of the portal. E.g. you can restrict a snippet to only appear when creating protocols. Snippets specific to protocols will not appear when sending a chat message.
Plain Text vs Rich Formatting
Some text fields in your portal will only allow you to enter plain text (without bold, italic, lists). Rich formatting is available when adding content to session notes and protocol notes.
You can use a rich text snippet wherever you see the following style of text editor:
Creating snippets from the rich text editor
You can easily create snippets when working on notes and protocols by selecting the text, then click the Save Snippet button:
Using Snippets
To use a snippet in a text editor, type two consecutive curly braces ({):
Once you've selected your snippet, it will automatically replace the curly braces with your snippet text.
When creating client-specific content (e.g. a session note or protocol), you will also see contextual snippets available for inclusion in your text editor. These include your client's name and basic information.