- Our Programs Refresh is here! We've added some great new features to make building and running programs a breeze.
- Self-paced programs - allow your clients to complete modules at their own pace. New content is unlocked when a client marks a module as completed. Learn more
- Email-only programs - we've made creating email-only programs even easier by adding email-only modules. Learn more
- Quizzes - quizzes are a great way to engage your program participants, help them retain important information, and assess their progress. Learn more
- Sections and sub-modules - use sections to organize content into easily digestible portions. Learn more
- Archive completed programs to reduce clutter in your active programs list. Learn more
- Auto-archive or unregister participants after they complete your program. Learn more
- Analysis & Reporting - track client progress, engagement, and the completion of forms, tasks, and quizzes. Learn more
- Publish multiple draft modules at once. Learn more
- Embed audio into your program modules.
- Make the completion of forms, tasks, and quizzes mandatory in order to complete a module.
- Adding a duration is now optional when creating Evergreen programs.
- Added option to change a draft module's delivery mode (e.g. scheduled vs. unlocked at enrollment).
- The "Add/invite new clients" automation can now be used to invite existing clients to access the Client Portal. Learn more
- Formatting is now preserved when copying tables from one text editor to another.
- Admin users can now export direct chats with clients.