On Practice Better, you have the convenience of booking sessions for clients from multiple areas of the platform. You can:
Book from My Calendar
You can quickly schedule one-on-one sessions by clicking on a date anywhere in My Schedule > My Calendar.
To enable this setting, navigate to My Schedule> Booking & Cancellation Settings.
Scroll down to the Calendar Options section and select Enable one-click bookings from My Calendar and save your changes.
Book from My Services
Navigate to My Practice > My Services and select Book a client next to the service:
Book from the Client Record
- Go to your client record's Bookings & Packages page.
- Click the Fast Action Button in the bottom right.
- Select a choice from the available options:
- Book a session allows you to book a one-time session from your available Services or book a session from the client's active Packages.
- Book multiple sessions allows you to schedule multiple future sessions at once. This is not the same as Recurring Sessions.
- Invite to book will send an email to the client with a direct link to book a specific service that you select.
- Book a package allows you provide this client with a Package from your available Packages.
Use the Fast Action button
You'll notice a red Fast Action button on the bottom-right corner of your screen in various areas of your portal. Clicking on this button from the pages listed below will allow you to quickly schedule a session for your client:
- Your Dashboard
- Recent Activity of a client's record
- Bookings & Packages section of the client's record
- My Schedule > My Calendar
- My Schedule > My Bookings