Adding content to your program doesn’t require you to be tech-savvy but it can still be impressive! Set up your intro emails (optional for each module), create or upload your content (including PDFs, video, audio, or images), add tasks & worksheets or quizzes and you’re ready to go!
Keep reading for a detailed outline of each of these steps.
- Add a Module
- Adding a Module from a Template
- Adding Content to a Module
- Adding Tasks
- Adding Forms & Worksheets to a Module
- Adding Protocols to a Module
- Adding Nutrition Plans to a Module
- Adding Quizzes to a Module
- Saving and Previewing a Module
Add a Module
Within your program select Add module from the Fast Action Button in the bottom-right corner of your screen to add a new module.
If you've created module templates then you will be able to select one when creating a new module but if you wish to start from scratch you will select Create new.
Learn more about working with module templates.
When creating a new module from scratch you will be able to choose between a Content Module and an Email-Only Module. If you wish to add content/resources for your client to view within Practice Better then you will need to select Content Module.
- Name your module.
- Create a short description of your module so clients know what the module is about.
- Select if the content is locked until a scheduled date or if it’s available to access once the participant has registered. This option cannot be adjusted after the module has been published.
Use the "Allow registered clients to access content at any time" option if you want to make the module available before the official program start date. This is a great option if you need to provide clients with prep/introductory program materials. - If the content is locked, specify when you’d like it to be unlocked and available to participants.
For Evergreen programs, you can customize the time of day when the modules should be released. This option is available when scheduling modules to be released after X days/weeks/months:
For Self-Paced Programs, you can customize what modules need to be completed first in order for this new module to be unlocked for clients.
We use the time zone of your client if available, otherwise, your module will be released at the time specified in your time zone. - Optionally include a welcome email to introduce the module.
Adding a Module from a Template
If you have existing module templates, you can add them to any program of your choice. Simply click on the Fast Action button and click Add module. From there, select or search for the desired template from your list of module templates, make any required adjustments, and save your changes.
Learn more about working with module templates.
Adding Content to a Module
The content you add to each module will be the backbone of your program. You can add pre-recorded videos and audio clips as well as documents and images to complete your content. You can add content to your module by simply uploading existing content from your computer and/or you can create your content in Practice Better using our Text Editor.
You can also add text content to a module using the AI Dictation feature to capture accurate text in real-time.
Personalizing Content in the Text Editor
You can include placeholders for your client's first and last name in your module Text Editor. Click on the placeholder button in the top-left corner of the editor to insert placeholders into your content body.
** When previewing your modules, you'll see your name wherever placeholders have been added. **
Attaching videos, audio, and documents to your module
In the Content tab of your module attach supporting external documents by clicking on the Fast Action Button in the bottom right corner. Click Attach documents, videos, and images to select files from your computer:
For previewable content (e.g. PDFs, Word documents, images, and videos) you can prevent clients from saving content to their hard drive by checking the Disable download checkbox:
Please note there is a 400MB file size limit for any file being attached to a program.
Embedding Images, Audio, or Video
We also provide the option to embed images or audio files from your computer and videos from YouTube or Vimeo directly into the Text Editor by using the Image, Audio or Video Embed buttons on the Text Editor toolbar:
The supported audio file types are MP3, MPEG, and M4A.
Tip: to insert a video from YouTube Shorts in a module, the URL needs to be adjusted.
If your link looks like the following, remove shorts/ from it:
Replace it with watch?v= so that your link looks like the following instead:
Adding Tasks
Adding tasks to your module is a great way to keep clients on track, keep them accountable, and help them (and you!) track their progress.
- Go to the Tasks tab and click on Add task to complete
- Name and describe your task.
- Set an optional due date or reminder for your task. You can also make this task mandatory in order for your client to complete its module.
- Tasks will be accessible at the same time as their corresponding modules.
Adding Forms & Worksheets to a Module
Forms are available for modules unlocked during the course of a program's duration. You can add forms and worksheets to complete by following these steps:
- Go to the Forms & Worksheets tab
- Click Add form to complete and select a form or worksheet from the list of forms you’ve created. You can also make this form mandatory in order for your client to complete its module.
- Forms will be accessible at the same time as their corresponding modules.
Adding Protocols to a Module
You can include protocols within modules to provide lifestyle, food, and supplement recommendations to your clients. You'll first need to set up one or more protocol templates from your My Practice > Protocol Templates page (learn more about using Protocol Templates).
Once you've set up your templates, you can easily add them to your module:
- Go to the Protocols tab and click on Add Protocol
- Select a protocol from the Protocol template dropdown menu
- Click on the Add button to add the selected template to the module
Protocols will be published to each program participant based on your module’s scheduled release date and time.
Once a module has been unlocked, your clients can view their protocols from the Client Portal by navigating to their program or by going to My Resources >Protocols.
Adding Nutrition Plans to a Module
If you’ve linked That Clean Life to your account, you’ll see the option to Add Nutrition Plans to your module. This allows you to share recipes, meal plans, collections, and templates from That Clean Life with clients enrolled in your program.
Additionally, once your clients can access these resources, they can use the shared recipes to log entries in their Food & Mood Journal.
- Go to the Nutrition Plans tab and click Add Nutrition plan
- Select recipes, meal plans, collections, and/or templates from the popup and click Next
- You have the option to Allow edits for any meal plans or collections you’ve shared, as well as the option to Allow exports for any recipes, meal plans, or collections.
- Click Confirm to add the selected resources to the module
Once the module has been unlocked, your clients can find shared recipes in the Shared Recipes tab when logging an entry in the Food & Mood Journal.
Learn more about our integration with That Clean Life
Please note that your clients will need access to the Food & Mood journal to be able to see nutrient details from a nutrition plan. For more information on how you can grant your clients access to journals, click here.
Adding Quizzes to a Module
If you are on the Plus or Team plan you can create quizzes for clients to complete within your modules. You'll first need to set up at least one quiz by going to My Practice > My Programs and clicking the Quizzes tab.
Once you've set up your templates, you can easily add them to your module:
- Go to the Quiz tab and click on Add quiz to complete
- Select a Quiz from the Quiz dropdown menu and optionally select the This quiz must be completed in order to complete the module.
- Click on the Add button to add the selected quiz to the module.
Saving and Previewing a Module
When saving a module, you can choose to Save and publish your module so it will be available to enrolled participants or you can Save draft. Saving your module as a draft is a great option if you’re not yet ready to share a module with participants.
Draft modules are not visible to your clients from their Program Overview page or your Program Registration Page.
You can Preview your modules and the Program from your Program management page by clicking the eye icon to the right of a module.