Provide clients with feedback on Food + Mood or Lifestyle Journals by commenting on their entries. This is a great way to provide additional accountability, coaching, and even upsell your services!
Look for the Add a comment box below each journal entry. In the Food + Mood Journal, you can also leave comments even if no entries are available.
You can quickly post comments by pressing Shift + Enter after typing your comment. The Post reaction button also allows you to quickly post an emoji.
Your reaction will be posted immediately after selecting an emoji from the picklist.
Days with comments will be highlighted by a diagonally-shaded background in the calendar when viewing entries on a computer:
Client Notifications
Clients will be notified of new comments via their Inbox and Instant Alerts (if enabled). Check out our help article on enabling Instant Alerts for desktop and mobile devices.
Your clients can also reply to comments left in their journals. By default, the comment box will not be visible to them until you have left a comment.