This bar provides access to all features of the Practice Better platform. Explore each menu to see all the great features available to you on Practice Better. Click on the Practice Better logo to return to your homepage.
Profile Menu
The Profile Menu provides shortcuts to update your profile and sign out of your current browser session. Click on your name or profile picture in the top right corner to access this menu.
Fast Action Button
This button gives you fast access to features relevant to the current page/context. E.g. tapping on the Fast Action Button on the My Bookings page will display an option to book a new appointment. This button is always located in the bottom-right corner of your screen.
More Options Button (3 dots)
This button opens a menu of additional actions you can perform on an item. You'll find this button in many places around the platform. Look for the 3 vertical dots to the right side of an item or list.
Saving Information
When inputting information in Practice Better (e.g. filling out a form), you may notice a small red asterisk to the right of some fields. This asterisk indicates that the field is required. Include valid values for each of these fields to complete and save your information.
Help Menu
Click on the Help icon in the top right corner to search our Help Center, report an issue or send feedback.