Practice Better notes allow you to document and record information from client appointments, forms, and interactions. This guide covers key aspects of working with notes:
- Creating Notes
- Adding Sections
- Attaching Bookings, Documents, Protocols, and Tasks
- Updating your Progress
- Sharing Notes with Clients
- Signing Notes
- Duplicating Notes
- Adding Quick Notes
- Accessing previous notes while creating new notes
Creating Notes
Access your client's file and navigate to the Notes section.
Click the Add notes button to start a new note:
Or click the Fast Action Button in the bottom-right corner:
Adding Sections
Text sections allow you to add rich, free-form information to your notes and templates. The text editor allows you to embed:
- Images
- Videos
- Links
- Tables
- Lists
- Text Snippets
Checkboxes, Tables, and other Form-style Elements
By default, each note contains one text section, to start.
You can also incorporate form-style elements such as checkboxes, yes/no, multiple-choice, scales, and tables using the toolbox.
Use the toolbox to the right to incorporate these elements into your notes:
Or click the Fast Action Button in the bottom-right corner and select Add section.
To maximize your writing area, click the Fullscreen button in the top-left corner of the notes editor:
Image Annotation
You can add images and make notes on them by using the Image Annotation element.
Once the image has been added, the toolbar above the image will allow you to draw, take notes, mark up, or add measurements to the image.
Attaching Bookings, Documents, Protocols, and Tasks
Use the Fast Action Button to associate notes with session bookings, protocols, documents, and labs or to create tasks for you and your client.
After linking a Note to a session, you'll see the booking information appear at the top of the Note, with an option to Unlink Booking.
Updating your Progress
When you create a new note, it is automatically set to "In-progress":
You can update the status to "Completed" (or back to in-progress) by going to your client's Notes History page, then select Mark as in-progress/completed from the More Options menu:
Notes are automatically marked completed if they are signed and saved.
Sharing Notes with Clients
You can optionally share entire notes or specific sections with clients. When notes are shared, the following information is visible to your client:
- Note summary
- Shared text sections
- Attached documents
- Published protocols
To share your notes, select the "Share notes and attached documents..." checkbox:
Sharing Specific Text Sections
You can restrict which text sections are visible to clients by toggling the "Make this section visible to my client" option icon to the left of each section:
On smaller devices, you can use the toggle below the section:
If you've shared your notes without making any text sections visible, your client will only have access to the notes summary, attached documents, and published protocols.
Signing Notes
You can sign your notes to make them read-only. Signing notes will also mark them as completed and generate a PDF for your records.
- Create or Edit a note
- Click the Save button in the top-right corner. Select Sign and save:
You will be prompted to add a signature if you do not already have one available in your account.
Once you've saved your notes, you will notice a signature icon in the top-right corner of the notes on your client's Notes History page:
You can view the signed PDF by selecting View as PDF from the More Options menu (3 dots) next to the signature icon:
Duplicating Notes
You can easily duplicate notes by going to your client's Notes History page, then select the Duplicate option from the More Options menu next to a note in the list: