You can access our pre-built note templates to incorporate and modify to suit your needs.
To create a template from a pre-built template, go to the Templates Tab.
You can also navigate to the Note Templates section under My Practice > Note Templates. Then, click the Create from template button to be redirected to the Templates section.
Here, you will see a list of templates. Click View to see more information on each one. Then, click Add Template to add it to your account.
You can then click Done to continue adding templates from the library to your portal, click View my notes to go to the note templates page, or click Edit to open the note editor.
Templates may contain placeholders for you to replace with your personal information.
Please review the content of this note before sending it to your clients.
If you received a template code from a colleague using Practice Better, click Unlock Templates at the top of the Templates page.
Enter the access code in the field and click Submit.