You can manage your Fullscript settings by going to Settings & Preferences > 3rd Party Integration.
Click the Gear icon next to the Fullscript integration:
Create corresponding Fullscript recommendation when publishing a protocol
With this option enabled, we'll automatically create a Fullscript recommendation for any protocol which includes Fullscript supplements. The recommendation will be shared with your client once you publish your protocol and your client will receive an email from Fullscript with a link to order supplements from your dispensary.
This setting can be overridden for each protocol by unchecking the "Create a Fullscript recommendation..." option on your protocol page:
Include Fullscript templates when creating new protocols
If you've already created templates in Fullscript for frequently used recommendations, you can easily use them when creating protocols and protocol templates in Practice Better.
To create a protocol from a Fullscript template, go to the Protocols page in your client's file:
Next, click the Fast Action Button in the bottom-right corner:
Your Fullscript templates will be visible at the bottom of the templates list:
Disable this option if you only want to see Practice Better templates displayed in the Create from template popup.
Show recommended dosages when adding supplements to protocols
Supplement suppliers may include recommended dosages for products you add to your protocols. With this option selected, you'll be prompted to include the supplement's recommended dose, frequency, and notes, if available: