You can now easily track historical or current medications and supplements taken by clients. This feature will allow you to keep records up to date automatically and make more informed decisions.
**Please note this feature is currently in beta, so you may not have access to this functionality**
- Adding Medication and Supplements
- Collect Medication and Supplement History in Forms
- Tracking Supplements and Medication from a Protocol
To track this information, navigate to your client's records > Medical History > scroll down, and you will see two tables. One for Medication History and one for Supplement History. In this section, you will be able to see the active and historical medication and supplements clients have used, including those you have recommended in a protocol.
This table will display any included notes and list the duration of the medications or supplements used.
Adding Medication and Supplements
You can click the Add Medication or Add Supplement buttons to manually update the client's history.
When adding medication, you can manually type in the product name, or if you are located in Canada or the United States, you can search the integrated database for products from the respective database. If you do not see a product that matches, you can type in the full name of the medication.
You will need to choose the Start date from when the client began taking this medication. You can also specify an end date. If this is an ongoing medication, you can leave the box titled, Ongoing with no end date checked. If you do not set an end date, this medication will be added to the Active column of the medication history. If the end date has passed, it will be added to the Historical column.
Next, you can enter the dosage information and any additional directions that were included with the medication and Save. Please make sure to click Save Changes in the top right corner of the page before navigating away.
Adding Supplements
When adding supplements, you can first choose which database of supplements you are looking through. If you have Fullscript or WholeScripts linked, you will also see their catalogs from which to choose. You can also just type in the name of the supplement you are looking for.
If a supplement matching your search is found, you will also have the option to View details next to it to find out more information on the supplement. You can then click Next if you have found the supplement you were looking for or click Skip if you didn't see it listed.
Then you just need to add the supplement dosage details, similar to what you would see in a protocol, and click Save.
Lastly, please make sure to click Save Changes at the top right corner of the page before leaving.
Collect Medication and Supplement History in Forms
If you prefer not to manually add this information to a client's record, you can collect this information through a form. Go to My Practice > Forms & Waivers, where you can create a new form or edit an existing form to include the Medication History or Supplement History elements. When your clients complete the form, they will also see relevant search results based on any integrations you have, such as Fullscript or WholesSripts. To learn more about creating forms, click here.
If you have Form mappings set up, the responses to these questions can automatically be added to a client's record when the form is completed.
Tracking Supplements from a Protocol
When you make supplement recommendations within a protocol, you can also add these to a client's record. You can check the box titled, Import this supplement into your client's medical history when the protocol is published for each supplement or check the box at the top titled, Import all recommended supplements into your client's medical history when the protocol is published to add all the supplements from the protocol to a client's Supplement History.
You can also watch the video below that goes over this feature's setup.