Automate some of your tasks by setting up various automations, such as confirming session requests, adding clients to Practice Better, and sending forms. You can create as many automations as you need, including multiple automations of the same kind.
Creating Automations
Head to My Practice > Automations and click the red Fast Action Button in the bottom-right corner. Click on one of the Automation types listed to get started:
Available Automations
The following help guides will walk you through these types of Automations:
- Send Google review requests for client sessions
- Add New Clients Automatically
- Automating Tags
- Confirm New Bookings Automatically
- Automatically Create Notes From Recorded Telehealth Sessions
- Confirm New Packages Automatically
- Send forms after a booking is confirmed
- Send forms after a package is confirmed
- Automatically import data into a client's file
- Creating Custom Payment Plans for Clients
- Automate Archiving and Unregistering Clients
- Create Tasks Automations
Automations in the Team Plan
The following Automations are only available to team account owners and can’t be shared: Add/invite new clients and Add, update or remove client tags.
Task Automations as well as Tag Automations can't be shared but can be triggered for different team members.
Team members can create automations for other team members by selecting their name from the names pick list before creating an Automation.
Sharing Automations with Team Members
The following Automations can be shared with Team Members:
- Confirm one-on-one booking requests
- Confirm new package requests
- Send forms after a booking is confirmed
- Send forms after a package is confirmed
- Import completed forms into client files
- To share Automations with team members, head to My Practice > Automations.
- Click the 3 dots for More Options beside an Automation.
- Select Manage Sharing.
- Select the sharing access from the drop-down list
- Private (not shared)
- All team members
- Specific team members
- Specific roles (When sharing with Specific roles, you can optionally select Auto-enable for newly invited consultants.)
- Click Save Changes to apply the sharing settings.
Note: A shared automation will default to Disabled for the team member(s) it is shared with. You can use the name toggle to select that team member and enable the automation for them.