There are many features in Practice Better created to simplify your workflow and automate your practice so you can save time.
- Automations
- Client Notifications
- Shortcuts and Snippets
- Cancellation Policy
- Automated Response Reply
In Practice Better, you have the ability to automate your client onboarding process, including adding new clients, organizing clients according to tags, confirming new bookings, sending forms, and creating custom payment plans.
Automations are a “set it and forget it“ feature. You'll only need to set them up once, and they will save you time in having to manually onboard each client.
On the team plan, automations can be set up by the account owner or by individual practitioners/admins. If you and your team members will be offering Services, you may find it helpful to set up a shared team-wide automation that auto-confirms session booking requests.
Several Automations can be shared with team members. Learn more.
Client Notifications
General information you want to relay to your clients by automated email notifications can be customized by customizing the default email templates.
Additionally, you can customize the email notifications for specific services/packages that will override your general client notification emails.
Each practitioner can customize the email templates themselves or the team owner may choose to customize client email notifications and apply changes for all providers.
Shortcuts and Snippets
Snippets can be created for frequently used blocks of content that team members will use when creating notes, recommendations and sending messages to clients. This saves your team time in having to retype the same text multiple times. Here you can learn more about utilizing the Snippets feature. On the team plan snippets can be shared with team members to help with consistent wording and to save time from having to add them again for each person.
Cancellation Policy
Set up a cancellation policy to reduce the number of no shows in your practice. These steps will show you how to set up a Disclaimer for your cancellation policy, require clients to acknowledge it before booking and process any associated fees.
Each option utilizes either a form or disclaimer, both of which can be shared with other team members.
Automated Response Reply
If you’d like for clients to be able to respond to automated email notifications from the system (e.g. session confirmation/reminder emails) you’ll need to add a Reply-to recipient. so any replies to automated emails will be redirected to your inbox.
When customizing the reply-to address, each practitioner can set this up individually or team owners can also save and apply changes to all team members if all replies should be sent to one dedicated email address.